HHL/D Field

Our Purpose...

The primary purpose of the Harris Hill Lift/Drag RC Club is to promote radio controlled model aviation, among our members and in our community, in a safe environment while enjoying fun and fellowship.

The Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA )

The AMA is the governing body of Model Aviation.  It supports and promotes our hobby through contests, demonstrations of flying skills, education, school programs, and providing liability insurance for both Chartered Clubs and for its Member RC Pilots.  More information may be found at the AMA website: http://www. modelaircraft.org.


All individuals flying at the Harris Hill Lift/ Drag RC Club field must be Current Members of AMA or be supervised by one of the Club designated Flight Instructors.HHL/D Club

Club Meetings

The Harris Hill Lift/Drag has regular monthly meetings at 7:00 pm on the first Wednesday of each Month. During the Spring and Summer months the meetings are held at the flying field. During the Winter meetings are normally held at 6:30 pm at the Arnot Mall Food Court.

2017 Harris Hill Lift/Drag RC Club Officers

President - Josh Schubert
Vice President - Kevin Kremer
Secretary - Steve Kremer
Treasurer - Steve Kremer
Safety Officer - John Westervelt

Fun at the FieldOther Club Contacts

Don Phillips - 594-3521 --- Scale Models
Steve Kremer - 562-3714 ----General Flying